RICS Condition Report Service
Download the Description of the RICS Condition Report Service as a PDF
The Condition Report is a product of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and can only be undertaken by Chartered Surveyors.
Given the concise nature of the report the survey is not suitable for all property types/ages. In our opinion it is most suitable for traditionally constructed buildings built after 1930, however this will depend on the individual characteristics and condition of the dwelling.
If you have any questions regarding the suitability of this type of survey please contact us. The RICS Condition Report covers the general condition of the property.
The Report will tell you about:
- the construction and condition of the property on the date it was inspected;
- any defects that need urgent attention or are serious;
- things that require further investigation to prevent serious damage to the fabric of the building;
- defects or issues that may be hazardous to safety.
There are a number of constraints to the inspection (see Terms of Engagement) below.
View RCIS Condition Report Terms of Engagment
For further information, or to obtain a quotation please contact us on either 01603 717090 or 01502 477 070.